Wednesday 30 September 2009

Is Paul McCartney dead? Probably not..

Following the trend of “Beatling” (for lack of a better word) in my Blog I decided to look into the conspiracy theory that (Sir) Paul McCartney died in 1966.
The story goes that Paul picked up a soaking wet woman who he took pity on in the rain on the morning of his death. She didn’t at first realise who he was until it clicked and she reportedly went insane and tried to grab the young Beatle. Losing control of his car he crashed and died in the burning wreckage.
To me this is absurd. Died in a car crash? Unlikely.
The Beatles held a look-alike contest and reportedly the winner became the new Paul. Is anyone finding this a little bit hard to believe? The far fetched Beatle conspiracy is still alive and well to this very day regardless of statements made by friends and family stating Paul is not dead.
The clues to his death are apparently written all over Beatle media, the Abbey Road album Paul isn’t wearing shoes, instantly he must be dead. Sgt peppers lonely hearts band, looks to be like a funeral scene, could it not simply be a PARADE? The trunk cover for the album “Yesterday and today” not only does Paul sitting in a trunk mean that he is again very clearly dead but also the track listing on side 1 tells the story of his death. Paul is meant to be the focal point of all these images, he was the Beatles driving force, the creator of their image so to speak, surely it is only natural he is singled out and shown as the leader.
There are many conspiracy theories you can look into, UFOs, 911, the London bombings and more. The list is endless, the more people try to deny the truth the more theories are going to emerge.
Paul McCartney is alive and well. Don’t let sinister internet propaganda make you doubt that. Let the ones who truly are dead have their peace, instead of mourning a healthy man.


The Man Himself!

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